Sunday, May 2, 2010

Co-ed Water Polo Kids Got Their Gold

The Laguna Beach kids on the 10 and under co-ed water polo team won the gold medal after a tough game against San Diego Shores in the annual San Diego County Cup tournament May 2, the second biggest water polo event in California.

The Laguna team played against CHAWP, San Diego Shores, Commerce, and SET, competing in five hard games on Saturday, May 1, followed by the finals on Sunday. According to the players, the most challenging teams were Commerce, San Diego Shores and SET.

When the last goal was scored in the gold medal game with a 5-4 win by Laguna, head coach Chad Beeler was pushed into the pool with all the players who participated in the tournament to celebrate their win.

The11 champions who competed in the tournament were Joseph Colladay, Aidan Polizois, Sean Decker, Colton Gregory, Sophia Lucas, Patrick Saunders, Sebastian Jacobs, Johnny Mitchell, Marccon Salib, Adam Mitchell, and Peter Weiland.

It was a red-letter day for Weiland, whose birthday was May 1 and who was also a contender for most valuable tournament player. “I feel proud of myself, because when Neil Sanderson won MVP of the San Diego cup last year, I hoped that maybe the next year I would win it,” said Wieland.

Colladay, who let almost no goals by, received the all-tournament team award for his diligence. “It is really good getting first place because we really worked hard on it,” said Colladay.

A similar award went to Jacobs in recognition of his efforts. “I think it was not just me who won it; I think it was the whole team,” he said.

Coach Beeler asked team members to each touch the cup with one finger and dip their gold medals in the pool, in order to take the winning water back home with them.

“I am very proud of how the team performed,” said Beeler. “Theyplayed as one team with one goal in mind – to go home with the cup. All the hard work and extra practice and swimming had paid off. It was a tough and close game.”

Marccon Salib is a Top of the World student. From the Laguna Beach Independent

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